Q: How many days from the time of your order does it take to deliver a gift certificate or a gift card to a customer?
A: The gift certificate or gift card will be emailed within 24 hours, once payment is received.
Q: When is the customer charged?
A: When their purchase is completed.
Q: Why do we need your email address?
A: We use your email address to forward you your order. Whether you order a gift certificate (for Traditional Shops Only) or a Gift Card (for Virtual Shops Only) we will send it to the email you provided to us at the time of your order. We take everyone’s privacy seriously and we will never solicit or sell anyone’s email address that has purchased a gift certificate or a gift card.
Q: What happens if my child does not spend the full amount of the gift certificate?
A: Gift certificates are redeemed at your child’s In-School holiday shop only and are treated like cash. If they do not spend the full amount, they will receive cash back as their change.
Q. What happens if my child does not spend the full amount of the gift card?
A: Gift Cards are only used for the Online Shops. If your child does not spend the full amount of the gift card the balance will remain on the card for future shopping.
Q: I have another question not listed here.
A: Please call us at 1-800-530-0169 or email us at [email protected].