Preparing your little one for the first day of Kindergarten can be overwhelming & challenging especially if you don’t know what to expect or what to prepare them for. Here is Checklist you can use & if you’re not ready to read because it’s summer just Pin it for later.


  1. Be able to state first and last name.
  2. Use appropriated 3-finger grasp when using pencils and scissors.
  3. Practice writing their name.
  4. Know all basic colors, red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, black, white, brown, pink.
  5. Identify numbers 1-20.
  6. Identify letters so they can understand the sounds those letters make.
  7. Take your turn – don’t be rude to other kids.
  8. Learn to Button, Zip and Tie.
  9. Uses good hygiene habits and table manners.
  10. Use restroom and wash hands independently.
  11. Follows a simple direction.
  12. Clean up after themselves.
  13. Share with fellow classmates.
  14. Be confident and ready to be at school & not with parent.
  15. Reading Skills, Math , Language skills, Writing



Of course every child learns at their own pace,figure out what works best for your little one. It might help to do a little at a time during the summer so they can learn slowly and it doesn’t feel like it’s being pushed on them. There are simple things you can do as parents to ensure that they are prepared for Kindergarten.


Practice writing their name

They all know their name, but have your child learn how to write those letters to spell it. It’s good to have them practice during summer break so they are ready for Kindergarten in September. Remember practice makes perfect!



Introduce Sight Words 

When your child starts school, this will be one of the first lessons. Even though your child will learn to read in kindergarten, learning the basics will give them a head start in learning to read. Try this book for extra help , the more prepared they are, your child will feel confident and have a sense of pride on the first day of school.


Help them learn how to express their feelings/emotions constructively and still be respectful of others. The last thing you want is for your child is to not be able to express their feelings with words , get frustrated and hit another child.


Instill  Love and Support So They Feel Safe & Confident

These are some of the things you can do as a parent to make sure your kids are ready for the fun and exciting time of kindergarten.  When you prepare your child at home it will show in class. No one wants their child to be , behind fellow classmates or require additional catch up because it could leave them feeling discouraged.



How are you preparing your kids for kindergarten this summer? Leave your comment below.