school holiday shop


Children love digging deep into their stockings & some adults young at heart like my husband and I. Staying within a budget is easy at A Small World Gift Shop when choosing gifts to fill your stockings with because of our unique & affordable gift line.
You can follow our easy list of gift ideas below on what to fill your children’s stockings with to make their Christmas extra special.


Unisex Stocking Stuffers

Snap up this monkey clapper, consider it the original fidget spinner.

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school holiday shop, secret santa shop

Stretch Putty Buddy is a hit with all kids and will keep them busy while making breakfast on Christmas morning.

emoji toy, school holiday shop,Consignment school Shoppe, School Holiday Bazaar, Christmas fair, In-school Holiday Gift Shoppe, Pta/Pto School gift Shoppe

Stocking Stuffers for Girls

Consignment school Shoppe, School Holiday Bazaar, Christmas fair, In-school Holiday Gift Shoppe, Pta/Pto School gift Shoppe

For the young fashionista who loves makeup. Let her makeup her face for Christmas , she’ll feel special and beautiful.

holiday gift ideas

She’ll be excited to count her Christmas cash and put it in her new purse.

santa secret gift shop


Consignment school Shoppe, School Holiday Bazaar, Christmas fair, In-school Holiday Gift Shoppe, Pta/Pto School gift Shoppe

It looks like a cell phone but it’s really an on the go lip gloss kit.

Consignment school Shoppe, School Holiday Bazaar, Christmas fair, In-school Holiday Gift Shoppe, Pta/Pto School gift Shoppe

Kiss me Santa frog, because he is just too cute!

Stocking Stuffers for Boys

Consignment school Shoppe, School Holiday Bazaar, Christmas fair, In-school Holiday Gift Shoppe, Pta/Pto School gift Shoppe


A red toy race car, perfect for your little guy until he learns to drive.


Consignment school Shoppe, School Holiday Bazaar, Christmas fair, In-school Holiday Gift Shoppe, Pta/Pto School gift Shoppe

Kids today are obsessed with slime! Just go on youtube and search slime.