The holiday season is approaching! There is a better way to raise funds for your school. Start planning an easy holiday fundraiser for your school today with A Small World Gift Shop. We offer over 150 high quality items for your in-school holiday fair. There is a wide variety of gifts to choose from with something for every family member. Gifts for teachers and pets are also available. We have gifts for all times of the year, including fall, Christmas time, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and many more. Most gifts are under $5! It’s all on consignment, which means there are no up-front expenses. A Small World Gift Shop furnishes you with everything you need, so there a no worries, no hassle and no risk. We offer incentives for you, or your school. Everything that isn’t sold is returned, so you only pay for the items that you sell. School fairs that utilize A Small World Gift Shop can be more profitable than any candy sale, because there won’t be any left over chocolate. The Students do the buying for their friends and family. The parents love the gifts there children give them, and everybody is happy. Try this quick and easy school fundraising method and you’ll never go back to traditional school sales.
Our goal is to make it easy for you to set up a safe environment for the children at your school to shop, have fun, and experience the joy of giving. Join us today, and become a part of our Small World Gift Shop family! Contact Us, or call 1-800-530-0169.